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Trending: Billboard's New Chart System Industry watchers will long remember the day in February 2013 when with no label support and despite being outsold 2:1 by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis' "Thrift Shop," Baauer's "Harlem Shake" - essentially a 30-second meme that notched 103 million YouTube views in a single week - debuted on the "new" Billboard Hot 100 at No. 1. And everything changed. Tracking a song's reach, then and now To be sure, the Hot 100 has always had its share of head-scratchers; it's not hard to imagine what DJs in the day had to say when Ricky Nelson's bobby-sock ballad "Poor Little Fool" leapfrogged over Elvis Presley's "Hard Headed Woman" to become the Hot 100's first No. 1 (to be fair, even Nelson admitted to disliking the song and refused to play it live for years). Flash forward and today's Hot 100 remains a bastion of bewilderment as it battles to remain relevant by compiling a mix of digital download track sales, physical singles sales, terrestrial radio airplay, on-demand audio streaming, online radio streaming, and YouTube views -- all of which are bound to invite the occasional brow raiser, e.g. Katy Perry's run at Elvis Presley, the Beatles and Michael Jackson (all can boast five No. 1s in a row) and Drake's dubious 14-song tie with the Beatles for most simultaneous singles on the chart (a stat so skewed even Billboard conceded that Drake is merely "featured" on four of the 14 while the Beatles can lay full claim to each of their songs). To Billboard's credit, they have created a handful of new charts to offset the inevitable blip, all aimed at providing the most real-world results possible, and all worthy of your click. On Demand Songs: A ranking of the top on-demand play request and plays from unlimited listener-controlled radio channels on leading streaming subscription services. Next Big Sound: The fastest accelerating artists during the past week, across all major social music sites, statistically predicted to achieve future success. Trending 140: An up-to-the-minute ranking of the fastest moving songs shared on Twitter in the U.S., measured by acceleration over the past hour. Titles are ranked based on a formula comparing the number of times they are shared within the last hour to the hourly average of shares over a rolling 24-hour period. Confusing? Maybe. Necessary? Very. Time consuming? Maybe just a little. Which is why we like to remind you that while the Hot 100 remains undeniably the Dow Jones of music charts, our modest Hitlist offers a unique look at all the current tracks essential to DJ play. Used with or in lieu of the mighty 100 and the Hitlist will have you spinning the top hits in a snap. To view our Hitlist, past and present, and/or to sign up today to have it delivered to your inbox, visit: NEW from Billboard! You can now peruse the entire weekly Hot 100 back to 1958, presented in the same format as the current Hot 100. Check out the all new Flashback Charts at
Watchlist: Angry Kids "Battle" + Britt Daley "Move Me"
That legacy continues this month with a double-header we hope you'll check out... "Battle (It's Beautiful)" - The Angry Kids featuring Belle Humble Born of an unlikely long-distance alliance between bi-coastal Canadians Ryan Wilok and Promo Only Canada's General Manager Jeff Beck, The Angry Kids are neither kids nor angry, much. They are, in fact, seasoned industry pros with a penchant for bombast whose sample-based bad-ass remixes (most notably Mr. Brown, the duo's much-spun spin on the Bob Marley's classic) have been spreading like wildfire for years among Canadian DJs. Today the Kids are poised to take their signature sound global. Check out their newest music video, fresh from Wired's, Best of the Week. Trouble viewing this video? Watch it on YouTube. ![]() By day she's our Lead Creative, the hand that rocks the artwork that graces every Promo Only page and product; by night Britt Daley practices a blend of chillwave, downtempo, subtle R&B and pop-vocal stylings that have brought her to the stage in support of Tegan & Sara, Shiny Toy Guns, Cherub, Kevin Barnes (Of Montreal), VHS Or Beta, Surfer Blood, YACHT, and UK blue-eyed soul artist, Daley. Following her collaborations with Grammy nominated producers Morgan Page and Bill Hamel, Britt is currently putting the finishing touches on her own full-length album debut, co-written and conceptualized with Portland-based producer, Kinsey Dulcet, set for release in 2015. No animals or husbands were hurt during the making of her new video. Trouble viewing this video? Watch it on YouTube. Also available via iTunes and Beatport. Digital DJ Tips Presents... The 6 Powerful Daily Habits Of Successful DJs What is it that successful DJs do behind the scenes that others don't? Sure, they are clearly networking with the right people, they obviously obtain (and often make) great music, and they demonstrably know the technical skills of DJing. But what is it about their mindset, the way they use their time, and their attitude to the temptations of clubland that keeps them laser-focused on success? Having worked for many years as a DJ, producer, and now writer/DJ tutor, I've not only been along this learning path myself, but met many others who have done so too, and I believe there are certain things most successful DJs share in common. Some are applicable to any career, some specifically to DJing, but all are important if you want a long, happy and successful DJing life, whether that's as a hobby or a full-time vocation. So if you're struggling to make the progress in your DJing week by week you think you ought to be making, try putting some or all of the following suggestions into play in your life. I think you'll start to see improvements really quickly! Stick to a schedule One of the most important things you can do right now for your career is to create a schedule and to stick to it. DJing has a lot to do with nightlife culture, and it's easy to get lost in all the fun and chaos that partying brings. Having a schedule keeps you grounded because it forces you to make compromises and helps keep you in check when you're considering going on a bender on a week night, for instance. If you DJ throughout the week, it's all too easy to fall into the trap of the "party all week" mindset, something I personally fell victim to when I was a bit younger. Never revolve your schedule around your DJ gigs; designing your day around your performances is the perfect way to create an erratic and chaotic lifestyle, one which you'll be constantly redesigning as gigs come and go and as you get older. Instead, make a schedule and adjust your gigs to fit into it instead. This encourages you to counter-balance DJing with other important parts of your life (of course there's more to life than DJing, right? ;) ) Practice early in your day If you want to make something a habit, do it enough times that it becomes routine for you (experts say every day for three weeks should lock any habit in). This is the best way to approach practicing as a DJ; do it regularly so you don't even have to think about doing it. Of course, this is a challenge in itself. One of the most powerful ways to make sure that a habit sticks is to consistently do it first thing when you wake up, just when your willpower is at its strongest. If it's working on your four-deck mixing or practicing a new type of scratch, do it before you go about with your day; the longer you leave it out till day's end, the less likely you'll get it done. This isn't even about whether or not you're more productive or creative in the morning, it's just about prioritizing that routine first thing before anything else to ensure it gets done. Doing significant work or tasks that require high amounts of focus (e.g. DJing) is also best done soon as you wake up because you're at your absolute freshest. Willpower and self-control are like muscles: The more you use them, the less fatigued they get. [continue reading] About Digital DJ Tips: Featuring news, reviews, show reports, and tutorials, Digital DJ Tips is one of the most-read DJ tech websites in the world, with over 60,000 students on its paid and free DJ courses.
Review: The Denon Serato Box DS1 Pro Tip: Screen III can also be switched to display stackable parallel waveforms for complete beat matching control of all active programs (hint: You can leave the laptop closed). ![]()
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Success Coach Stacy Zemon: "Dealing with budget brides is a cross all mobile DJ business owners have to bear" say's DJ Success Coach Stacy Zemon. "It's not their budget you need to worry about, it's proving your value so you become integrated into that budget.'s K.C. Kokoruz has much more to say on this subject..." The sad but true part is that the first time you do almost anything in life, you aren't very good at. Your dad put the training wheels on your bike in an effort to help you get used to the bike and to help you learn your balance. At some point he removed them and before you knew it, you were peddling on your own, and despite a fall or two you were riding your bike. Over time, you learned how to ride no-handed, pop a wheelie, slam on your breaks and created the cool snake styled skid marks on the driveway, etc. The most important thing is that you had the time to learn these things. Brides don't. They have the enormous pressure of creating that one day over-the-top experience for both themselves and their guests. They also are doing this for the first time and don't know what to ask, what things cost, and each bride has a different idea of what is important to them. [continue reading]
Site Of The Month: hookedonmusic HookedonMusic is a citizen science experiment involving Manchester Science Festival, proudly produced by the Museum of Science & Industry, Manchester, in association with the University of Amsterdam. In devising an online game for all to enjoy, scientists are harnessing the wisdom of the crowd to understand and quantify the effect of catchiness on musical memory and then predict the catchiest fragments of music. Armed with this knowledge, scientists can devise 'smarter musical thumbnails' to help people remember the content of a song, triggering past memories for those who remember it and helping to form new memories for those listening to the song for the first time.
POOL Pro Tip One click on any release will let you know instantly if it's in your collection or not. Should you see an Available for Service message, that's our way of telling you is that the song you're checking out was issued before your subscription began or isn't included in your bundle. New Member Tip: You'll see a few of those at first; less and less as your library grows. Any track marked as "available" can be downloaded in a quick minute via the one-time purchase of the bundle that contains it from our website. Need a walk-through on your first add-on purchase? Contact us at or by calling 407-331-3600.
MARCH 2015
New! Best Of 2009 Vol. 3
View the Best Of 2009 Vol. 3 tracklistings here.
Useless Info: The International Nomad Presents... Fact: Warner Music will continue to collect roubghly $2 million a year for the song, "Happy Birthday To You" until its copyright expires in the year 2030. Here are 24 more interesting facts you probably didn't know about music, the industry, and the idolized figures within it. Trouble viewing this video? Watch it on YouTube. Got a suggestion for future issues or care to comment on our content? |
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