POOL Video
It's time.
Once upon a time spinning music video was the sport of kings, or, at least, cost a king's ransom. The gear of yesteryear wasn't cheap: early adopters paid as much as $5k for a 500-lumen projector and a C-note for a video laser disc, circa 2000; not coincidentally the year we began offering budget-friendly DVD.
That was then.
Today the cost of video gear has fallen off a cliff, demand is soaring (hello: YouTube?), and the cutting-edge convenience and new-fashioned savings POOL Video provides is putting music video – and the extra earnings it brings – well within reach of Everyman.
These days your small change can make
for a big change in your spare change
POOL Video allows you to conveniently download just the genre you need, or to grab a well-chosen bundle of genres that will carry you through any gig (and open the door to new ones) – all at prices that won't give you retro-shock, all at the speed of the Internet.
Cue the highlight reel:
- Genres include Top 40, Urban, Club (Electronic), Rock, Country and Latin
- Exclusive Clean Edits & Intro Edits (the hottest new singles with extended intros and outros)
- DRM-free MPEG4 encoded at H.264 (BlueRay, Hi-Def TV)
- Single Genres, Bundled Genres and Deluxe packages available
- All files tagged to include title, artist, BPM, label, genre, artwork and more
- Includes download manager software app and one-on-one tech support
- Monthly billing options available
POOL Video prices start for as little as $100.00 per genre (3 months of monthly service) and provide you with 40-45 videos per month. Best buy: We can deliver you 12 full months of music video service for as little as $300.00 per genre.
If you'd like to stretch your dollar even further we also offers a bundled multi-genre selection (Express Video) that brings you WEEKLY delivery of the newest top 40, urban, rock, country, dance, and Intro Edits (some 25 videos per week) for as little as $89.00 per month, billed monthly.
It's reader reward time: If you made it this far you deserve a SPECIAL OFFER...
* New to video? Kick your new year off with a 3-month trial of any monthly POOL Video selection for half-off -- just $50.00. New video subscribers only.
** Already a POOL Video subscriber? Give us a shout and we'll shoot you a new format to enjoy for a month, free of charge.
*** Already getting your video on DVD or DFF? If you've got at least three months left to your subscription, we'll add up to 3 months of POOL Video (for your remaining months) free. AND give you a rain check on signing up for 3 months of service later at 50% off!
POOL Video. Isn't it time you make more for less?
Offers Expires February 29th, 2012.